Robert L Davis1*, S Barry Eiden2, Edward S Bennett3, Bruce Koffler4, Lisa Wohl5 and
Michael Lipson6
The Smart Study published in Advances in Ophthalmology And Visual Systems was a three year longitudinal study using children age 8 to 14. This study represents one of the largest patient enrollment with ten investigators across the US. It adds to the literature by verifying the outcomes of smaller published studies in Advances in Ophthalmology And Visual Systems.
In the study using children aged 8 to 14, half wore soft silicone hydrogel contact lenses on a daily wear basis. The other half wore the iGO overnight contact lens design which change the curve in the eye, while sleeping. Like braces' which align children's teeth, overnight contact lenses stop the eyeball elongating thus slowing down the development of short-sightedsness whislt also correcting their eyesight.
The Smart study concluded that myopia progressed at a significantly higher degree in the children wearing soft contact lenses compared with those children wearing overnight contact lenses who showed almost no increase in their short-sightedness.
Advances in Ophthalmology And Visual Systems Published: April 21, 2015