Staring at a computer for lengthy periods of time can cause neck and eye strain, as well as headaches - something many office workers are all too familiar with.
According to optometrist Dr Dennis Fong, the problem can be compounded if computer users also wear glasses.
Speaking to CBS 5 HealthWatch, Dr Fong explained that the lenses in a pair of glasses will only have a small area within them that assists vision, typically lower than a natural line of sight.
As such, people who need to wear spectacles when looking at a computer screen will often find that they tilt their head backwards in order to see properly through their lenses.
Dr Fong suggested that computer glasses, which have a larger area within the lenses through which wearers can see, are a possible solution.
Another way to solve problems with neck ache could be to try orthkeratology.
Ortho k lenses are designed to be worn at night and while the wearer is asleep the cornea is reshaped.
This means that during the day vision is temporarily restored to normal, removing the need for glasses or contact lenses while using a computer or engaging in other activities that require concentration.