By Michael Hutton 

Contact lenses for sport  based on the long established science of orthokeratology - or ortho-k as it is more commonly referred to - have given Olympic K2 canoeing prospect Adam Burgess  a major boost as he seeks to win selection for the 2012 GB team. The new custom-designed ortho-k lenses are worn only while sleeping then removed each morning after which the wearer enjoys perfect natural vision all day long until the lenses are reinserted at night. Ortho-k lenses work by gently flattening the surface of the eye during sleep to correct the focusing distance so that light lands on the retina at the back of the eye, not in front of it and the effect lasts for over 24 hours.

Previously, Adam had struggled through races: "I used to wear contact lenses to paddle in but I could never trust them enough to race in because of the tendency to slip or fall out when taking a splash to the face." Now with his ortho-k contact lenses for sport , his short-sightedness is corrected overnight while he sleeps so he needs no visual aids at all during the day and can race down the spray-filled slalom course with perfect vision. Now his sights are set on winning selection for the 2012 GB team and he is certain that his new lenses can play an important role: "Ortho-k really does work and the lenses have been brilliant for me."

Costing little more than premium daily disposable soft lenses, ortho-k contact lenses for sport  can be a life-changing treatment for short-sighted people since they can provide all the natural vision benefits of laser surgery - but without the surgery. Since becoming commercially available relatively recently, people of all ages from 6 to 60 years have enjoyed the same ‘Eureka' moment as Adam when their lenses are removed after the first night of wear and they find their vision without lenses has improved dramatically. Whether for sports participants, dry eye and allergy sufferers, glasses wearers or people who find daytime contact lens wear a hassle, switching to ortho-k corrective contact lenses can change your life even if it may not get you a place in the GB Olympics team.

Check if you are suitable for ortho-k corrective contact lenses .

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