Children's contact lenses a popular alternative to glasses
It is vitally important that children have regular eye tests and take steps to look after their vision, it has been claimed.

Writing in the Philadelphia Inquirer, commentator Rachel K Sobel said that many children need glasses but, for one reason or another, do not wear them.

"Childhood is a key time for the visual system to develop. If a child doesn't see well during those growing years, that system never develops properly and the child could be visually impaired forever, a condition called amblyopia or lazy eye. That handicap can be devastating," she continued.

Ms Sobel added that if a child is struggling with short-sightedness it can have a real impact on many aspects of their life, for example their school work could suffer if they cannot see the board clearly.

Children in the UK are entitled to free eye tests until they 16, or until 18 if they are in full-time education, however many people still fail to see the examinations as a necessity.

Even if children do have regular eye tests, they may be reluctant to wear any glasses prescribed to them.

One solution to this is to try Ortho K overnight contact lenses which work by reshaping the cornea while people sleep, giving them clearer vision the following day.

Such contact lenses are perfect for children who suffer from short-sightedness but do not like wearing their glasses during the day or are irritated by regular contact lenses.

They are also great for active children as there is no danger of them falling out or getting damaged while they run around on the playground or take part in sporting activities.

Research also indicates that wearing overnight vision correction lenses can halt or even reverse myopia in children.

Children's vision: Is your child suitable for i-GO Contact Lenses?

By Chris Alexander

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