Thousands of London children give up sport when they get to secondary school, new figures reveal.  If children wear glasses they are even less likely to participate in sport. The report comes as concern over childhood obesity is rising. But an alternative to glasses for children are orthok overnight corrective contact lenses for children.

Figures released by the Department for Education show that more than 90 per cent of children aged five to 11 participate in at least two hours of PE in schools across Britain. But by the time they reach the age of 12 the figure drops to 87 per cent and by the sixth form just 23 per cent of teenagers are doing enough sport.

There are many reasons why children give up sport but wearing glasses as a child is a big disadvantage. There are many practical disadvantages of participatiing in sport and general playground activities for children who wear glasses .

Glasses move around the face, get knocked off and even broken when playing games and sport. Rain is a real problem as it is difficult to see when glasses are covered in raindrops. Schools even prevent children participating in school sport for "health and safety reasons" if they wear glasses or will insist the child removes them before particiating. This is obviously a severe handicap for a children who wear glasses  because if they cannot see clearly this affects their confidence and performance.

An alternative to glasses for children are orthok overnight vision corrective contact lenses. Specially designed contact lenses are worn while sleeping. They gently reshape the eye a bit like a dental brace and are removed in the morning before leaving for school. The child will have 20/20 vision all day long without the need for glasses and can enjoy the freedom to run around like everyone else.

Michael Davis 13, a keen sports player who has been using overnight corrective contact lenses for around a year says "I think my lenses are amazing because I don't have to wear glasses anymore and I can even last a couple of days without wearing them and still see. I can also play rugby much easier, as well as baseball and tennis"  

Children's glasses; is your child suitable for Overnight Vision Correction

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