By Anne Gould

It is National Anti Bullying Week which is aimed at raising awareness and helping children who suffer from all kinds of bullying.  A recent study revealed that 47% of 14-year-olds were bullied and this continues as kids get older. Glasses on children make them key targets leading them to stop wearing their glasses when in class.

The study for the Department for Children, Schools and Families revealed that  47% of 14-year-olds were bullied and this continues as kids get older with 41% of 15-year-olds and 29% of 16-year-olds reported facing the problem.

Another study claimed that children have seen classmates actually skip one or more days of school because of bullying they received as wearing glasses for children.  A quarter of all children are upset about their glasses and don't like wearing them at school.
More than half of all children do not wear their glasses when they are meant to
and 50% of children that wear glasses are called names like specky four eyes. 

An new option for children who wear glasses  are overnight contact lenses which reshape the eye while a child sleeps so that conventional contact lenses or glasses for children are not needed during the day.

Michael Davis 13, who has been wearing night contact lenses for over a year now says. "I think my lenses are amazing because I don't have to wear glasses anymore and I can even last a couple of days without wearing them and still see. I can also play rugby much easier, as well as baseball and tennis"

Overnight contact lenses offer many advantages for both parents and children. Parents can be confident that their child can see clearly at all times and vision correction and hygiene is carried out at home so parents can supervise. In addition recent research has indicated that overnight contact lenses may slow or even halt the progression of myopia in children.

Best of all for children is the fact that they do not have to wear glasses anymore and can participate more confidently in everyday school life.

Find out if your child can wear contact lenses overnight instead of glasses 

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