Many people are suffering from the misguided belief that having good
natural vision means having a eye in good health.
A new study entitled Global Attitudes and Perceptions About Vision Care by the Vision Care Institute found that for many, improving vision was important.
Nearly three quarters believed getting better
natural vision would help them perform well in their hobbies and at school, while 65 per cent thought that it would allow to play sports to a greater level.
Peg Achenback, senior director of professional and medical affairs and Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, said: "While the survey reveals a great deal of similarities and common beliefs about vision care around the world, it is also a cause for concern.
"Many adults and
children are not seeing an eye care professional for a comprehensive eye exam."
Around 77 per cent of people in the UK were found to get eye exams regularly, coming second behind Brazil.
China, Japan and Singapore were found to be among the least likely to get an examination.
For anyone looking to get better
natural vision to help them play sports or read with greater ease, ortho k lenses could be the answer.
The specially-created lenses, which are worn at night, are removed in the morning allowing for better vision without the need for glasses or daywear lenses.