A leading ophthalmologist has spoken out about dry eyes, suggesting there are a variety of ways to treat the condition and people should take the time to find the right one for them.

Writing for HTR News, Dr Donald R Lewellen Jr said that dry eyes are caused when people do not produce the right quantity or quality of tears to keep the eyes comfortable. It can lead to symptoms such as stinging, burning, a sandy or gritty feeling, excessive irritation from smoke or wind, excess watering, blurring of vision or discomfort from contact lenses.

He added that these symptoms can sometimes be treated through the use of artificial tears, which are available both on and off prescription. However, he suggested that if people need to use them regularly, the preservatives in some of these products can actually act as an irritant.

There are also stronger mild steroid or other anti-inflammatory eye drops, which help people produce more tears of their own.

A more dramatic alternative to dry eye drops could be to get tiny plugs fitted to the tear drainage systems or undergo a minor surgical procedure which helps people produce more tears on their own.

"Because there are a number of different causes of dry eye symptoms and there are so many ways to treat dry eye symptoms, you should consult your ophthalmologist if initial attempts at relief with artificial tears alone are not successful," Dr Lewellen continued.

Another dry eye solution for people who suffer from the condition due to their contact lenses is to try out Ortho K overnight contact lenses.

The lenses, which are worn during the night as people sleep and are then removed during the day, leave people with perfect natural vision.

Ortho K contact lenses also reduce the symptoms of dry eyes as they are only worn for around six to eight hours at a time, compared to 16 hours for conventional contact lenses.

They are made from a highly permeable material which lets six times more oxygen into the eye than normal disposable contact lenses.
Written by Will Stevenson

Eye Health: Find out if i-GO over night contact lenses will suit you.

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