By Steve Roberts 

Contact lenses for dry eyes  which are only worn at night while sleeping may provide a better solution to dry eye sufferers than the many products being marketed to conventional contact lens wearers. The latest of these is TheraTears Nutrition, a supplement based on Omega-3 fatty acids which has been tested in a recent trial and demonstrated that people taking the supplement had a self-reported reduction in dry eye symptoms and showed an increase in both tear volume and tear flow compared with a control group who received a placebo pill. Among participants, 70 percent of those who received the daily supplement reported having no dryness symptoms after 90 days, compared with only 7 percent in the placebo group.

The trial results were reported in the professional journal ‘Cornea' and the study author, James P McCulley states: "it is particularly interesting to see these clinical results, since we know that omega-3s have been shown to reduce the effects of inflammation and influence the composition of the tear film, two factors that play an important role in dry eye." It is believed that Omega-3s in reduce inflammation and augment the oil and water layers in the tear film. The addition of Vitamin E prevents oxidation and counters the depletion of Vitamin E that occurs over time with Omega-3 intake. However, by switching from conventional daytime contact lenses to the new ortho-k corrective contact lenses for dry eyes  which are only worn overnight, the dry eye sufferer can avoid the environmental factors which are largely responsible for the condition.

Dry eye is among the most common disorders treated by opticians, with the condition typically involving reduced tear production or excessive tear evaporation due to an imbalance in tear film components. Dry eye discomfort also is a common problem among contact lens wearers, with some studies suggesting that up to 50 percent of people who wear soft contact lenses have dryness complaints. Air-conditioned work and home environments together with too much screen-based focusing on TVs, PCs and mobile devices are primary factors behind the significant increase in dry eye sufferers, many of whom give up wearing contact lenses as a direct result. However, ortho-k corrective contact lenses for dry eyes  can offer a solution which alleviates the dry eye problem.

Check if you are suitable for ortho-k corrective contact lenses .

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