Computer vision syndrome can lead to dry eyes
Workers who spend all day staring at a computer screen could be putting themselves at risk of dry eye, according to one expert.

Speaking to the National Post, optometrist Scott Mundle said that prolonged use of computers, video games, TV and smartphones such as BlackBerrys can all contribute to computer vision syndrome (CVS), a condition which leads to eye strain and dry eyes.

He added that while CVS does not cause permanent damage to people's eyesight, it needs to be taken seriously as it can lower the quality of people's vision and reduce their productivity at work.

Mr Mundle suggested that people can take a number of steps to reduce the symptoms of dry eyes, including taking frequent breaks away from the screen, keeping computer screens below eye level, so users do not have to open their eyes as wide, keeping faces an arm's length away from the monitor and diffusing light sources so they do not shine directly on the screen.

Lubricating eye drops can also be utilised, although Mr Mundle recommends drops which moisturise rather than reduce redness or allergy symptoms.

According to the NHS, between 17 and 30 per cent of people experience dry eye syndrome at some point.

If workers are suffering from dry eyes or CVS they could be entitled to help towards their eye care costs.

Employers whose workers use a computer screen for periods of over one hour per day have to pay for their sight tests and glasses if the optometrist prescribes them specifically for computer use.

Some workers who wear contact lenses during the day find they make their eyes even more itchy and red, however there is an alternative. Ortho k contact lenses, which are worn at night, help to avoid the irritation that can be caused by contact lenses worn in the day.

OrthoK: Are i-GO contact lenses suitable?

By Chris Alexander

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