A discovery has been made about the death of neurons in the eye.
Researchers from the Universite de Montreal and the Montreal Neurological Institute have found that cells which normally support nerve cell survival also play a roll in the death of neurons within an eye.
The findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, could lead to better therapies for a number of disorders, including glaucoma and retinal artery occlusion.
Dr Adriana Di Polo, a neuroscientist at the Canadian university, said: "The most interesting aspect of our study and the reason we are so excited is that the pathway leading to glutamate-induced nerve cell death involves another vital player - namely gilal cells.
"Through careful experimentation we now know that glutamate activates signalling pathways in gilal cells that then lead to neuronal death."
The study focused on the nerve cells in the retina that convey information to the brain along the optic nerve.